Ферма картошка, мальчик! ☭

Potatoes: 0

Carrots: 0

Beetroots: 0

Multiplier: 1

Multi-multiplier: 1

Multi-multi-multiplier: 1

Aarexes Ripped: 1

1st Ripaarex: Unlock autobuyers.
2nd Ripaarex: Unlock Aarex multipliers. (Same as AD's IP multiplier.)
3rd Ripaarex: Unlock Aarex Upgrades.
4th Ripaarex: Autobuyers are 10x faster.
5th Ripaarex: You produce 1000 potatoes automatically/sec.
6th Ripaarex: You start with 1e100 potatoes.
7th Ripaarex: ???
9th Ripaarex: ???
10th Ripaarex: ???
11-18th Ripaarex: ???
20th Ripaarex: ???
25th Ripaarex: ???
30th Ripaarex: ???
40th Ripaarex: ???
50th Ripaarex: ???
60th Ripaarex: ???
80th Ripaarex: Automate Ripping Aarex.
100th Ripaarex: Ripaarexes can now give more than one Aarex Point. (Needs to be changed.)
1,000th Ripaarex: Ripaarexes pentate instead of tetrate growth.

You can buy and manage your glorious autobuyers here, comrade.
